Tuesday, March 3, 2020

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) (Assistant Director) Past Paper (2015) -II

Assistant Director
National Accountability Bureau (NAB)
Past Paper (2015)


  1. Designer of Pakistan flag: Ameer Qidwai
  2. Hamid Karzai became president of Afghanistan 1st time in: 2004
  3. RAPIS (Anagram) is name of: City (Paris)
  4. India is not signatory of: NPT
  5. The Capital of Lativia is: Riga
  6. Ghazwa.e.Badar in which year: 2nd Hijri
  7. When Putin, the president of Russia took over as President, 3rd time: 7th May, 2012.
  8. Geneva Agreement in which year: 1954
  9.  Pakistan Monetary policy is made by: State Bank
  10. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy was awarded Oscar for: Saving Face & A Girl in the River
  11. Who followed Steve Jobs as apple CEO: Tim Cook
  12. World war 1 started on:1914
  13. Capital of Bosnia is: Sarajevo
  14. Queen Elizabeth regarded her reigning as: Humbling Experience
  15. UNO was formed on: October 1945
  16. The size of budget: 2.96 trillion now 5.1 Trillion
  17. Aggregate demand relationship with price: negative relation
  18. London Olympics torch was lit by: Sunrays
  19. Bolsheviks Revolution took place in: Russia
  20. Benazir Bhutto International Airport is at: Islamabad
  21. Reason for calling off Non Cooperation movement by Ghandi: Chura Chori Incident
  22. Soda water is carbonated by adding what: Carbonic acid
  23. Who was given the title of Ghaseel ul malaika?: Hazrat hanzala (R.A)
  24. Who is US ambassador to Pakistan: Current David Hale
  25. Christian wulf who resigned as head of state belonged to which country?: Germany
  26. Who is US Secretary of State: John Kerry
  27. Which party has the higher no. of seats in senate after 2012 election PML (N) 27 seats.
  28. Who is Pakistan's ambassador to United Nation? Maleeha Lodhi Current:Munir Akram

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