Assistant Director National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Past Paper (2015)
Designer of Pakistan flag: Ameer Qidwai
Hamid Karzai became president of Afghanistan 1st time in: 2004
RAPIS (Anagram) is name of: City (Paris)
India is not signatory of: NPT
The Capital of Lativia is: Riga
Ghazwa.e.Badar in which year: 2nd Hijri
When Putin, the president of Russia took over as President, 3rd time: 7th May, 2012.
Geneva Agreement in which year: 1954
Pakistan Monetary policy is made by: State Bank
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy was awarded Oscar for: Saving Face & A Girl in the River
Who followed Steve Jobs as apple CEO: Tim Cook
World war 1 started on:1914
Capital of Bosnia is: Sarajevo
Queen Elizabeth regarded her reigning as: Humbling Experience
UNO was formed on: October 1945
The size of budget: 2.96 trillion now 5.1 Trillion
Aggregate demand relationship with price: negative relation
London Olympics torch was lit by: Sunrays
Bolsheviks Revolution took place in: Russia
Benazir Bhutto International Airport is at: Islamabad
Reason for calling off Non Cooperation movement by Ghandi: Chura Chori Incident
Soda water is carbonated by adding what: Carbonic acid
Who was given the title of Ghaseel ul malaika?: Hazrat hanzala (R.A)
Who is US ambassador to Pakistan: Current David Hale
Christian wulf who resigned as head of state belonged to which country?: Germany
Who is US Secretary of State: John Kerry
Which party has the higher no. of seats in senate after 2012 election PML (N) 27 seats.
Who is Pakistan's ambassador to United Nation? Maleeha Lodhi Current: Munir Akram
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