Tuesday, March 3, 2020

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) (Assistant Director) Past Paper (2015) -I


Assistant Director
National Accountability Bureau (NAB)
Past Paper (2015) 

  1. Shal Kot is old name of : Quetta.
  2. UN is devised for: Peace and Security
  3. Headquarters of Transparency International: Berlin
  4. Atacama Dessert is in: South Amercia
  5. Largest Sea is: The South China Sea
  6. China wall famous for: Architecture
  7. Name of Afghanistan parliament: Shura
  8. Bangladesh is famous for: Jute
  9. 7 SARRC countries which one joined lately: Afghanistan
  10. Zarb e Azb in: North Waziristan
  11. G-20 host country in 2015: Turkey
  12. World Expo 2020 will be at: Dubai
  13. Recently Wikipedia city Monmouth has been built. In which city is it located? :USA
  14. 2019 ICC World Cup will be in: England
  15. President of Indian: Ram Nath Kovind
  16. International Year of 2015: Soils
  17. 3rd World Country: Developing Countries
  18. Sun Shines Vertically: Twice in a year
  19. Normal Term of UN Secretary: 5 years
  20. Pass connecting Afghanistan and Pakistan is: Khyber Pass
  21. Next Cricket world cup will be hosted by which country: England
  22. CM of Punab is: Shabaz Sharif (In 2015)
  23. Siachin in Which Mountain Range: Karakaram Range
  24. Who shared the Nobel Peace Prize with malala: Kailash Satyarthi
  25. Normal Body Temperature of Human being in centigrade?: 36.8
  26. Recent meeting of UNO 40 countries gathered to address?: Extremism
  27. Light of moon reach on earth in how much time? 1 min 3 Sec
  28. Madrid is the capital of?: Spain
  29. Operation in Wazirstan: Zarb-e-Azb
  30. Doctor killed in PIMS was: Cardiologist.
  31. OIC: Organization of Islamic Cooperation
  32. From four Caliphs who stayed for long period: Hazrat Usman
  33. Siam is the of: Thailand
  34. 3rd Governor General of Pakistan: Ghulam Muhammad
  35. How does sunlight enter the rooms?: Irregular Reflection
  36. Colors visible in spectrum: 7 Colours
  37. Which is liquid at room temp: Mercury
  38. Whis is negatively Charged: Electrons
  39. What happens to volume of water when it freezes: increase.
  40. Party with highest number of seats in senate after 2012 elections: Pakistan People Party 
  41. Stoic (Antonym): Complaining
  42. Catastrophic (Antonym): Fortuitous
  43. Stilted (Antonym): Natural
  44. Chalgoza Forest in: Balochistan 
  45. Kiwi bird belongs to: New Zealand
  46. French Revolution: Rousseau
  47. Largest Fresh water body: Lake Superior
  48. International year of Soils: 2015
  49. Chief of Army Staff: Raheel Sharif
  50. Education Minister is: Baligh-ur Rehman
To be Continue........

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