- Where an accused found guilty of an offence is sentenced to pay fine the amount of fine shall in no case be less than the gain derived by the: (Accused/ Accused relatives /Accused associates)
- Section 12, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with: (Power to freeze property)
- Section 12, of the National Accountability Ordinance, empowers______ freeze property: (The Chairman NAB and Court)
- As per section 12(c) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 if the property ordered to be forzen is immovable property, the freezing shall, in the case of land paying revenue, be made through the_____ of the District in which the land situated: (Collector)
- If the property ordered to be frozen under sub-section (a), section 12, is a debt or other move-able property, the freezing may be made by_____ ways as provided in sub-section (b) of section 12: (Four)
- Section 12(b), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with freezing of: (Movable property)
- Section 13, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with: (Claim or objection against freezing)
- The time limitation for claim or objection upon freezing before Court is_____ days: (14-days)
- Section 13(b) empowers ______ to extend the time for filing such claims or objection for a period not exceeding additional 14 days: (The Court)
- The claim or objection dismissed by the Court is: (Appealable)
- Time limitation for filing appeal against dismissal of claim or objection by aggrieved party is_____ days.: (10)
- Section 14, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with: (Presumption against accused accepting illegal gratification)
- Section 15, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with: (Disqualification to contest election)
- As per section 15(a) a person who has been convicted for an offence under section 9, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 shall be disqualified for a period of: (Ten years)
- As per section 15(b) of the National Accountability ordinance, 1999 any person apply for or be granted or allow any financial facilities in the form of any loan of advanced or other financial accommodation by any Bank of Financial institution owned or controlled by Government for a period of: (Ten-years)
- Section _______ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with trial of offences:(16)
- The trial of a case under section 16(a) shall be heard from: (Day to day)
- Time limitation for disposal of a trial under section 16, of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 is_____ days: (30 days)
- The place for sitting of the Court shall be determined by: (Federal Government)
- Section 16-A, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with: (Transfer of case)
To be Continued....
Note: Please Visit previous posts for detail preparation of NAB FPSC paper