Monday, March 16, 2020

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) MCQs (Part-III)

National Accountability Bureau (NAB)

  1. The Chairman of National Accountability Bureau is appointed by the President in consultation with: (Leader of the House in the National Assembly and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly) 
  2. The Chairman NAB may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the: (President)
  3. The qualification of Chairman NAB is provided in section 6______, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999: (ba) 
  4. The section dealing with Deputy Chairman, National Accountability Bureau is: (7)
  5. As per section 7(a), of the National Accountability Bureau there shall be ______ Deputy Chairman of NAB: (Two)
  6. Qualification of Deputy Chairman of NAB are provided in section 7_____ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 :(aa)
  7. A person shall not be appointed as Deputy Chairman NAB unless he_______: (Is or has been an officer of the Armed Forces of Pakistan to the rank of a Major General / Is or has been a Federal Government officer is BPS 21 or equivalent)
  8. The Deputy Chairman of NAB shall hold office for a period of: (Three years)
  9. Section _____ of the National Accountability Ordinance 1999 deals with Prosecutor General Accountability: (8)
  10. The Prosecutor General Accountability is appointed by President in consultation with: (Chairman of NAB)
  11. Any person who is qualified to be appointed ______ may be appointed as Prosecutor General Accountability: (As a Judge of Supreme Court) 
  12. As per section 8(a)(iii) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 the Prosecutor General Accountability shall hold office for a non-extendable period of ____ years: (Three Years)
  13. The Prosecutor General Accountability shall not be removed from his office except on the ground of removal of a judge of_____: (High Court/ Supreme Court /Federal Shariat Court)
  14. As per section 8: (Chairman of NAB)
  15. As per section 9(b) all offences under National Accountability Ordinance are: (Non-bailable)
  16. Section 9(c) empowers______ to release the accused:(Accountability Court)
  17. Punishment for corruption and corrupt practices are dealt by section_____ of the National Accountability Ordinance: (10)
  18. A holder of Public Office or any other person who commits the offence of corruption and corrupt practices shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend ____ years: (Fourteen)
  19. Section 10: (Federal Government) 
  20. Section 11, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with: (Imposition of fine)

To be Continued....
Note: Please Visit previous posts for detail preparation of NAB FPSC paper

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